TOP 3 Weird inventions this month ! - January 2022

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Historically, patents are not just abstract concepts, for they have played an invaluable and practical role in everyday life of the common masses, at large. By rewarding ideas, patents encourage the development of innovations and new technologies in every field. As pointed out by the WIPO, innovation knows no bounds and thus, a patent idea can only be limited by the human imagination ! Here is a record of the weirdest and the most transmogrifying patent ideas throughout the modern-day history.

Ladder-gripping attachment for shoes

Hanging upside down can be a fun activity. It may even make you feel like a kid again, especially if you try it out on the monkey bars. But some adults today are practicing hanging upside down for another reason. Inversion therapy is a form of physical therapy that may help with back pain. The goal is to hang upside down and stretch out the spine! Invented by Edmond Dennis, the “upside down hanging shoes” apparatus (Patent application number US1059284A) makes it possible to stand on a ladder or other support “even when the body of the wearer is inverted and extended downward from the support”. This invention enables the wearer to stand upon a ladder or other support with his body inclined in an imbalanced position and to retain the same.

Fig. The Ladder-gripping attachment for shoes developed by Edmond Dennis

As weird as it may seem, however this apparatus can improve the leg strength and coordination of a user through practice. The patent was awarded to Edmond Dennis in 1913 and it expired in 1930.

Wearable table

With a history dating back to almost the Egyptian times, folding tables have gained immense popularity all over the globe since the beginning of the 20th century. One of the great advantages that users of these pieces of furniture get is flexibility. It is easy enough to set up for a meeting in a function hall then quickly change the layout for a children’s party later on. However, portable folding tables are one thing, but can you imagine ‘wearing a table’ ! Invented by Alan C. Bauer, the “Wearable table” (US Patent Application No. US5421499A) is portable table including a frame that is worn by various size users while standing or sitting and can be used where free-standing tables are impractical for writing, eating and other purposes. Made for situations “where free-standing tables are impractical”, this wearable table with a rigid tray lets you eat, write and more – wherever you are.

Fig. The wearable table invented by Alan C. Bauer

The patent was awarded to Alan C. Bauer in 1995 and it expired in 2014.

Improvement in moustache-guards

The #No_Shave_November or popularly called the“Movember”, is a month-long campaign to raise money and awareness for men’s health issues. According to a fact source, the average man spends six months of his life shaving and moustache grooming (assuming he begins around 15 and lives to be around 75). Protecting the moustache is so valued that in Madhya Pradesh, the Police personnel are sometimes paid bonuses to grow their moustaches, because they’re believed to command more respect ! Patented by V. A. Gates, the moustache-guards (US Patent Application No. US176175A) is a curved and concave shield, which may be made of vulcanized rubber, metal, or any other suitable material that promises to keep the user’s moustache out of harm. The invention can be easily applied and removed, for holding the moustache out of the way of the food or liquid while eating or drinking !

Fig. The moustache-guards described by V. A. Gates

He was granted a patent for his invention in 1876 and it expired in 1893.