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Patent search is a search involving research to data mine the patent and non-patent literature helping the inventor to know about the existing technology before applying for his own “Patent Application”.

Patent Search Services:

    • Prior-art Searches/ Novelty Searches/ Patentability Searches,
    • Infringement Searches,
    • Invalidation Searches,
    • Freedom to operate Searches, and
    • Landscape Searches

Our searchers are advanced degree professionals in science/engineering with international training in a patent search, patent laws, and policies.

Our Strategy

    • Our search team provides in-depth search results based on an extensive search performed on multiple search engines, databases, and libraries for patents and non-patent literature.
    • Our approach is highly consultative, communicative, responsive, and high-touch with our clients to provide an effective search project.
    • We aim at delivering your search results in a customized format ranging from a full report to a comparative feature matrix, verbal report, or any other delivery mechanism as requested by the client.
    • Our techno Patent Attorneys understand the level of effort required to conduct all types of patent searches and provide an accurate time frame for every search up front before we start working.

We provide customized services to meet the customer’s specific needs along with intensive client involvement and interaction. 

Our Search Report

At IPR Studio, we believe that a good search report has both relevant results (Narrow results) and related results (Broad results).


We conduct comprehensive customized services in several technical disciplines such as computer software, electrical, mechanical, biomedical, biotechnology, food technology, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and alike domains.

Patent Searching

Protect your idea by conducting a Professional Patent Search. Our veteran patent search professionals utilizes the best patent search strategies and technologies to efficiently uncover the patent information you are looking for.